Get Involved
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The Parent & Faculty Group (T.E.A.M.-Together Everyone Achieves More) is a group of active parents and teachers who are dedicated to making our school environment a joyful place for children. One of the goals of the Rose Lane T.E.A.M. Executive Board is also to serve as a Site Based Management team. They meet monthly to discuss issues directly relevant to the operation and student achievement of Madison Rose Lane. Parents are also encouraged to visit the school, share ideas, and offer suggestions that add to the educational experiences available to the children at Rose Lane. T.E.A.M. sponsors many events that benefit all students and staff and often include the whole family!
T.E.A.M. is a fund-raising organization, with all monies raised benefiting all Rose Lane students and staff. Each fall, T.E.A.M. looks to YOU, the parents of our Rose Lane students, to join this organization. Please become active in your student’s school community. Join T.E.A.M. and also get involved in at least one T.E.A.M.-sponsored event! If everyone helps a little, every student benefits a lot!
To learn more about the latest updates from the Rose Lane T.E.A.M. visit their Facebook page.
Site-Based Council
The Site-Based Management Team is a group of teachers, staff members, and parents and students who meet quarterly to ensure that we are meeting the district’s and school’s primary purpose: Extraordinary Learning for all and Passionate about meeting individual needs. Through this committee, participants work collaboratively to provide input on expenditures for the tax credit budget, school improvement goals, and parent involvement topics. Site-Based Committee members may be asked to analyze data and contribute to the school improvement plan activities and outcomes. Site-Based Management Team members analyze school climate data, and discuss ways to communicate those things that are occurring at Madison Rose Lane.
Interested in volunteering at Madison Rose Lane? Learn more about volunteering and see current opportunities on ourĀ VolunteerĀ page.